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Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France
Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France


Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France

An irreplaceable part of our team

Anthony Faiola, Berlin Bureau Chief

A smart eye for the stories

Karla Adam, London Correspondent

An invaluable asset to my reporting efforts

Griff Witte, London Bureau Chief

Talented journalists

Missy Ryan, National Security

Excellent instinct

Micheal Birnbaum, Brussels Bureau Chief

Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France

Extremely positive experience

Nahla Ayad, Foreign Correspondent

Incredibly organized and communicative

Ellen Mauro, Producer

Great attitude and work ethic

Ellen Mauro, Producer

Cleo French Fixer Line Producer Production service France

Very intelligent journalists

with a great sense for story and characters

Alyse Walsh, Producer, Vice on HBO

Fantastic fixers, researchers, and local producers

Exceeded all expectations ! 

Allen Otto, Producer, Gaycation

Xavier Aaronson, Producer, Motherboard

The best fixers in the game !

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